Swift trucking possession of marijuana 6yr old

by Jeff

Hi I was just put on review for swift trucking. Because I have a possession of marijuana charge from March 2011. It is now may 2017. So it is 6 yr old. Was only a ticket for less then a gram while in a car.

I passed my permit got hard I'd. Passed my phiscal paid 144.00 then at last min was put on review for my ticket. They told me I have to wait a few buissness days and then they will tell me yes or no.

Does any one know what they will say. I don't know wht to do. Just forget about it or maybe they say yes. Please inform me asap.

Thank you

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May 28, 2017
cdl trucking company schools NEW
by: Anonymous

Try these that have their own school:
Carolina Logistics
Contract Freighters (www.cfidrive.com)

May 28, 2017
Swift & Knight NEW
by: Anonymous

Swift and Knight merged and now Knight runs the whole thing. Knight decides if you're hired by Swift or not. I'd move on to another company and not deal with that.

May 28, 2017
Drug charge from 2011 NEW
by: Anonymous

Do you already have a cdl? Do you need cdl school?
If you need cdl school with a trucking company, go with Millis Transfer in Trenton,OH

May 28, 2017
Drug charge. NEW
by: Anonymous

You can do better than Swift anyway. Plenty of other companies will hire you. Swift and Knight have merged and now there's a total of 10's of thousands of trucks and drivers to deal with. Go with a smaller company and be on the road this week.
Navajo Express
Nick Strimbu Inc. in Brookfield,OH(Teamsters)
Freymiller - apply for "Restore Program" which is for recent cdl grads.
Magnum Ltd.
Abilene Motor Express
Britton Transport
Dutch Maid Logisitcs - Willard,OH
Salem Carriers
Dynamic Transit
USA Truck
Doesn't matter what the website has; all these hire recent cdl grads. Apply to all of them and you'll have a new job before you finish submitting online applications. Do the online applications before any phone calls.

May 27, 2017
Who knows
by: Hervy

Bro no one knws that even if they claim they do. You just have to wait and see what they say. Did you disclose that upfront?

If so....hopefully they will determne you have outgrown that and are ready to make a good driver.

If they dont roll with it, i think u will fnd something. Especially if you've working since then or been in school or something constructive.

Best of luck and let us knw how it turns out Jeff

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