Splitting gears uphill

by Roger
(Nova Scotia )

I can shift up and split just fine as well as down shift and split while slowing down but going up hill with a heavy load i have a hard time splitting while shifting down.

I usually just split back from OD to direct and if needed shift full gears which is fine but if i split i tend to grind the gears something awful.

Its a eaton 13 speed mated to a Volvo D12 465/1650.

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Feb 21, 2019
Downshifting with a heavy load
by: Hervy

With the heavy load the truck is going to slow down quicker once you depress the clutch.

So you can shift faster. Or you can try driving to a slightly higher rpm before shifting.

Either way you have to do it faster than when downshifting with little or no weight.

You might no get it each time but after doing it enough you'll scrap less and less.

Stick with it.

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