Speed when rolling at idle

by Alan
(Los Angeles)

If, when traveling on level ground with no trailers, I take my foot off the gas pedal, will a semi-truck roll to a stop or will it slow to a steady speed and, if slow, what speed would that likely be?

Example: A typical automobile will cruise along at 2-3 mph at idle.

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Mar 05, 2015
I think I know what he means NEW
by: Anonymous

I think what he's asking is from a dead stop, with the truck in gear, will it accelerate at all. Most cars from a dead stop with no foot on the gas, but idling in drive will slowly pick up speed to about a walking speed.

Mar 05, 2015
Won't roll forever
by: Hervy

Neither your car or a truck will roll at a steady speed for long. Either will continuously slow down to a stop even on level ground. Older cars may roll for longer distances.

The variations of distance before stopping include weight of vehicle, but also how the computer is set up on the vehicle.

Taking your foot off the gas means that you don't want to keep going at the same speed. The vehicle is designed to slow down if the gas is not pressed down. Some more than others.

I don't really know what the point of this question is but you can't assume a specific reaction the vehicle that you get in. Judge based on what happens when you take your foot off of the gas and use the brake as needed. Allow yourself a lot of extra space in any vehicle that you drive for the first time until you know how it responds.

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