Should I work or keep the agreement when she left

by Cierra
(Canton, Georgia, USA)

My girlfriend and I have been together a little over a year now. We are undoubtedly in love. She was off of work for the most of our relationship.

Recently she returned to trucking, I'm having a very hard time adjusting. She's entrusted me with her son, so not only am I now in a long distance relationship, I'm full time mommy.

New school, new area, everything has completely changed. I can't help but feel that no one really understands what I'm going through, yet I try to save face and keep my spirits uplifted around her. Its really tough though.

I trust her, which makes it a little easier because I have no doubts about possible infidelity. Most of my worried and concerns are about us moving into our own and having the money to do so.

Before she left, we entered into an agreement, she works I stay home with kiddo, except now..... I want to do nothing but work. I feel like I'm helpless, I don't want to have to ask for everything.... I don't know... I could use some sort of help I guess.

Should I stick to the agreement or should I find a job despite the time constraints give encountered with the kiddo and school???

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Aug 02, 2016
why not compromise? NEW
by: Ice_Mystic

I can understand the need to work for yourself. If the child is in school, why not try to get a part time job that allows you to work only during school hours? Maybe even check out jobs at the school, library help, café helper? Something like that. I don't know what your skill set is, but I'm sure if your girlfriend cares she will understand and you can come up with a plan together.

Jul 31, 2016
Be very careful NEW
by: Anonymous

Be very careful of work at hoe schemes.....check them out with Better Business Bureau and other places too like the State Attorney Generals office. Sometimes you have to invest in them and it might not always be worth it. The person that brought up the point of the cost of daycare is on target. It can be very costly.

I wish you the best in your journey to be content and satisfied.......check everything first before breaking you agreement and weigh the pros and cons.

Jul 31, 2016
work you could do from home
by: Hervy

Cierra, I can imagine wanting to do more than staying at home. It takes a special person to be content with that.

Since you made an agreement though, I think I would try to have an updated conversation before just taking off to work.

Plus if money is going to go out to pay for watching the kid, that might cancel out the money earned.

I don't know what your background is but how about considering working from home using the internet. Plenty of options for that.

Here is an example of a program that is easy to get into affiliate marketing.

If you have more technical or productivity like skills and you rather do independent contractor type work, check out and

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