should employer pay for time off if employers truck breaks down ?

by brenda

I work for a construction co 12 yrs now .i was hired as a truck driver for their 7yd dump truck pulling a 20 pindle hitch trailer hauling mostly construction equip. dozers ,exavators ,front end loaders ect}

In Sept that truck went down { rearend went out
motor was already needing work done on it.

So they decided not to fix it .they paid me until they found another truck .from 9|25|15 to 10|27 |15 .

got new truck started working with it until 11|12|15 the freeze plug blew out on hwy 'mechanic came and fixed it .but it smoked real bad .i was told to keep driving ,i drove and hauled heavy equipment all that week and the next week .finally on 11|18|15 i was told to take it to a shop .well they found 3 pistons in the bottom of the motor along with they rings needed changed .needless to say i just went back to work on 1|29|16.truck is finished ..they were paying me this whole time.

i went to my supervison way back with the old truck and asked what they were going to do with me since my truck was down ,i was informed that they were still going to pay me .every week they seen me there turning in my paper work ..well today i was asked by two office personel who authorized my pay ..well they both did .

now i'm being told that they only meant when the old truck went down .no one told me this at all .they knew i was still getting a paycheck.. should they have paid me for both times ..

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Aug 25, 2018
they're reniging
by: Jimmy

Yeah you collected pay for 3 1/2 months while both trucks were down. Someone in Mgmt caught this after the fact and obviously tried to change the agreement in their favor ! If you sue them, you will need this agreement in writing in court or you will lose (and get fired) Good luck Jimmy

Feb 03, 2016
by: Anonymous

yes they should pay you for both down times cause its equipment that went down.

You could have worked in the shop straitening things out checking your equipment you use when you hall your machines around even if it little sow you know your ready when the truck is done.

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