shipper put on more weight than we agreed to

by Scott

I agreed to haul a 35,000# load for $2,200. After leaving and heading to scale the shipper loaded 41550# of freight. What can I do?

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Feb 03, 2015
reality NEW
by: Anonymous

most loads are sold by weight, but as a flat rate or by the mile. 3000lb only creates a fuel usage differential of .11 mpg or about 4 gal per 1000 miles. Thats $12-$16 depending on current fuel cost. At 6000 over it would probably cost this driver an extra $30 to move, not the 400 suggested

Jan 11, 2015
Shipper dishonesty NEW
by: Anonymous

Looks like the shipper owes you $411.72. You can take him (or her - women can be crooks, as well!!) to small claims court. Or you can write it off as a lesson learned.

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