Sharing the road with RV,ers

by Gene

How do you feel about sharing the road with retired people in RV,s, are they a nusance? Or do you enjoy sharing the road with an adventurous senior motoring along in a 45ft Rig?

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Dec 05, 2010
Re:Sharing the road with's
by: Bubba Gump

As expressed previously, everyone deserves the right to travel safely on the roads regardless of mode of transportation. However, the problems that I personally have with's concern the retiree's that have deep pockets and buy a land yacht, worth upwards of a million dollars, with no idea what it takes to move it safely down the road. No C.D.L requirements, testing, etc.
Also the's that pull into a truck parking spot and put the slides out thereby using up 2 parking spots.
Just because they're on vacation, doesn't mean the world revolves around them. Just as it doesn't revolve around truckers with a "the road is mine" mindset.
Now, everybody play nice.

Feb 23, 2010
rvers have a right to make use ot he highways just like anyone else
by: andy

i am a trucker since 1967 on and off. I also have a 40 foot RV. i think every one has a right to use the roads as long as they are safe. some truckers have the idea that they own the roads but as a whole most drivers are respectable people just trying to earn a living.

Feb 23, 2010
Patience on the highway is a must
by: Eugene

There are good drivers of all ages and there are not so good drivers of all ages, both driving all kinds of vehicles. You take the good with the not so good, or else get off the road. Until then Pray for patience.

Have a great!

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