Scared - Worried about him getting into an accident

by Lyn
(South Africa)

I love my Trucker to bits, he is simply my dream come true and have made peace with his career choise and passion, but how does one get over being scared of losing him to a road accident?

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Jun 16, 2014
How to stop worrying
by: Hervy

Lyn, remember this. Most of the time we worry about things that will never happen. It's normal for the thought to cross your mind. It is even smart to think out what will be done in the case there is an accident.

A serious one. Even death. (sorry, that's just real)

However, that should be thought of by both you you as a part of life planning even if he wasn't driving a truck.

But as far as allowing yourself to constantly dwell on the possibility of him getting into an accident, it will only make you and him miserable.

So you consider it and how to manage if an accident happens. Your daily thought however should consist of more positive and pressing things.

Plans for the future, making the relationship better, other short and long term goals, etc.

Here is a video that I made addressing this concern that trucker wives have often.

Jun 11, 2014
prayer works to help with worrying about accidents
by: Anonymous

It is certainly safer in a truck than any car I know of. Moreover, there are way more accidents with cars than trucks too. However, in all things....pray to Jesus about.

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