Proud wife of a new truck driver

by Laurie Housley
(Richardson Texas)

It's only been a few short months since my husband started driving. We have seven kids, don't freak out only four of them are ours! We are helping to raise three grandchildren ages 2,3 and 4yrs old. So needless to say the home front life if pretty hectic to say the least.

I wasn't on board with this whole trucking thing at the beginning. In fact I was totally against it. I mean sure we were up to our noses in bills but I just thought he could go anywhere and get a decent job. After all I know my hubby and I'll be the first person to say how smart, hard working, loyal he is.

He worked for his Father's 50yr old fence Company for the last 10 years and though he made a decent living he just wasn't happy for so many reasons.
Anyway last night as I'm laying with three of the seven kids in our bed, it hit Me, how extremely lucky I am to have a Man who's willing to work hard, sacrifice HIS time with his family, sacrifice home cooked meals, sacrifice HIS sleep, his football, his easy life, just so that he can earn a better living so that I can stay home and do whatever I want including hanging out with and laughing with kids at 830pm in our bed. So that I can sleep in whenever I want. So that I can stay home and relax if I choose to do so. Not that I get to often with all the chaos around our home. Which by the way if I haven't mentioned is a two story 4800sqft home that he works hard for.

He does all this so that I can have my cleaning lady come every two weeks. He does this so that my kids can play every as sport imaginable to the human child. He makes all these sacrifices so that we can live the kind of life we want. No he doesn't make millions truck driving however he doesn't make chump change either.

Then of course there's the medical benefits. I have so many problems with my back in fact there's too many to list. My medical bills have cost us a fortune and well now with awesome insurance we are no longer struggling just to get to me to my doctor's.

So in the larger picture, if you will, although I miss him more then I ever thought possible for so many reasons. First Clint, that's his name, is my best friend and I his. Yeah I know how corny that sounds but it's the truth.

Aside from any girlfriends or BFF's I've had in the past he's by far my absolute BEST FRIEND IN THE WHOLE UNIVERSE! He is my confidant, my protector, my lover, my soul mate, my mentor, he IS the other soul in which GOD himself created just for me. And I'm all those things to him as well.

Again I wasn't on board with this when he started a few months back but I've done a lot of thinking and I've listened to him say things like "sweetheart I'm doing this so you never have to worry about anything ever again" or "trust me when I say if I could stay home with you and kids and make money like this then I would".

As I sit here and reread what I've written, I have never been more proud of my man then I am today. Yes life will be difficult at times when he's gone or while he's gone (he's on the road now) however if all the sacrifices this wonderful man if mine has made in the name of his family. Then I can make sacrifices too, and support his decisions in terms of work.

So I dedicate this to my wonderful husband Clint Housley. May our Lord and Savior watch over you and all the truck drivers in the world tonight and may he bring peace of mind and strength to all truck driving wives and husband's who patiently await the safe arrival of their spouses.

P.S sorry for any typos but it's late and I'm tired!

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Aug 19, 2017
I also believe in my man and trust in this opportunity
by: Anonymous

Thank you for your heartfelt post, as I am a young mom about to embark on this journey with my love, and we are both excited about the opportunity!!

I will be home to raise kids 7yo and 18 mos and I too am honored that he would make this sacrifice for our family.

I will wholeheartedly support my man and trust that the future holds great things for our family as we embrace these new roles.

I am nothing but optimistic.

Jun 26, 2017
Bravo - What a wonderful account of the truckers life as a wife
by: Hervy

Thanks so much for posting Laurie. I love it. You have looked at the big picture and it sounds that you all are working together as a team to deal with this lifestyle.

I will suggest, just in case you might need to hear it, save all that you can right now to put toward whatever the plan is to transition out of trucking or go deeper into it.

Meaning, if he buys a truck after experience, he can potentially make the same or more money running less and being home more.

That will require some capital and reserve to invest. So if you have to sacrifice on the maid or whatever now to make a transition to a different lifestyle then consider it when budgeting.

Alternatively, you might want to save to invest in or start another business to replace the OTR trucking income.

So much to consider. If you read more info on the site, you will see my advice. Search using trucking to create wealth for ideas if you have not already thought about what the next phase is.

Anyway, congratulations on your positive attitude and outlook and what seems to be a beautiful relationship.

Hope you will share some tips and advice to other trucker wives down the road about what you are doing to make it work.

Take care,

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