Prime Inc

by J.R
(Cleveland TN, USA)

I am just getting started with Prime Inc. Can any of you drivers provide me with feedback about Prime Inc?

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Dec 07, 2016
And PRIME stands for!!!! NEW
by: Anonymous

Please Remember I Mortgaged Everthing says it all. You lease but never own the truck! It's one lease then into another!!!! If you manage to finish a lease & want to buy it, it's a huge balloon payment...RIPOFF!!!!

Aug 01, 2016
by: Anonymous

They seemed ok at first but I soon realized they are all about the money. when my 18 year old daughter died i found out how bad they really are. after 3 days at home they started calling to remind me how much the truck costs when is not moving, ya know its not like just lost my child... but ya great way to put family first worst company i ever worked for and i will never recommend them to anyone

Nov 22, 2011
Driving for Prime NEW
by: Anonymous

I have been an Lease Operator with Prime for 6 weeks now. I never sit and my fleet manager looks at my available hours and gets me loaded and running according to what I have. I am making much more money than i ever did as a company driver with my first trucking company. I see posts from people that are in the hole on their lease. If you are in the red, you aren't telling people about how much time you spent at home sitting on your butt or loads you turned down to sit on your butt. The freight and the money is there if you want to drive.

Sep 22, 2009
dont work for prime they get rich you get poor
by: ken

there are drivers out here who are losing everything house car everything and prime does not care have had alot of negative checks.

i have a cousin out here who is $1000.00 in debt with prime he gets 00 check every week he lives on the trk he lost everything.not sure on the company side.

we are on the lease side still working for prim been here 6 years fight now trying to keep everything that i have due to a disp and company that just does not care as soon as you leave your truck they have someone else in it they still have the school up and running in full force instead of taking care of the drivers that have been here for a long time the new drivers will get all the good loads.

right now is not a good time to be in trucking

Aug 10, 2009
Information from Primedrivers website
by: J.R

Jimmy, thanks for the prime drivers url. I check it out and found a lot of information. I feel like I made the right decision.

Aug 10, 2009
Tell him about Prime.
by: Jimmy

Established around early '70,s in Urbana, Mo. Same owner, reefers, flats, tanks, 48 state carrier. Their drivers have a website that will give you pretty good info about the company.


Good luck. Jimmy

Aug 10, 2009
Info about Prime Inc.
by: Jeff

Prime Inc. used to be in a lot of hot water stemming from class action law suites over truth in leasing practices.

These days it would seam that they have got it together and are running an honest company. As with all companies, you have to do your homework. Read the different trade publications.

Go to Google news and type in Prime Inc, and see what, if anything shows up.

Keep us posted.

I to am considering going over to Prime next year

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