Not what I signed up for!

by Shelly
(California )

I have come to really dislike trucking! I am forced to raise our children by myself, work due to the lack of money received from trucking, and live sexless most of my marriage.

So tired of fighting over due bills, lack of support and endless days of just being alone. I would advise married men with children to stay clear of truck driving if the want to keep their marriage.

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May 19, 2019
I Hate Trucking Too! NEW
by: Anonymous

My husband took up trucking 8 years ago and I never thought in our 20 year marriage he would but he did it because he worked for companies that were either downsizing or moving to another country! I gotta agree with you on the low pay, but I totally see my husband a different and changed person, not for better but for worst! Plus he has other driver friends that have changed him, that all we do is fight and argue over petty things and he has never said mean, hateful things to me, and he used to respect my concerns before he started doing trucking meaning if I was sick or tired, he never was pushy for sex, but next time he is set for home time, he won't be that way because I have very good close friends that have offered me to stay at their place while he is home and at my place of work he can't call me because all calls go through the switchboard and he can't come to my office because he has to get past the guard before getting cleared and I will let the guard know not to have him come up; anyway there is a new partner at my firm that does not hold truckers in high esteem because his sister got killed on the highway and he was very close to her but because of what happened, he does not hold a high regard for truckers, so I know the partner will have a few choice words to say to my husband! So all I can say is when yours is home for hometime make sure you are not tired or sick because it won't mean anything especially if yours is like mine that got brainwashed and transformed by other drivers! Also I have a few co-workers that are my friends and they have mentioned to me that since he is not home every night, he is with other women having a good time when he is down at night or when he does his 34!

Mar 22, 2019
You're NOT alone.
by: Nikki

I didn't sign up to be a Trucker's wife either, especially 600 plus miles away from our family and friend's. Raising our two boys completely by myself except financially. I don't have an ounce of help here, I carry the complete load myself.But if me and the boys moved back home around our families than the 2-4 days a month that the boys do get to spend time with him would be few rare. Sometimes I'm more than ready to pack up and go it than others I feel like I'm being greedy.

Now don't get me wrong I love my husband more than anything.And Up until he started driving we had only been away from one another over night just a handful of times in 15years. In the beginning I was told it would be rough the first bit but we would all eventually adapt and adjust. BS it's been rt at 6'years and I've not adapted at all having to be the wife, mom,dad,the cook, the referee, the nurse,the Gardner a teacher the mechanic, the plumber, and all the other never ending job titles I Now full fill myself.

It's easy for outsiders to point fingers and judge us. Because they've never rode on this emotional damn roller coaster that we ride day in and day out.

-To any new truckers wife, g/f or significant others thats just begun on this journey with us. My ONLY words of advice would be this: being a Trucker's wife is NOT intended for the week ones. Only the strong will survive.

Dec 20, 2018
I Can Understand the Frustration
by: Hervy

Not completely because I'm not in that situation but I can only imagine the challenges even in a 'perfect relationship' so when a spouse is not handling things in a thoughtful ideal way, easy to understand the frustration.

Ironically, I am premiering a video called Man Talk tomorrow night at 8 o'clock.

It might be good to ask your husband to watch it with you. Or suggest he watches it.

Will send out a notification on the RSS feed tomorrow. I don't have a link yet, it's uploading to Youtube right now.

Meanwhile you can check out this page.
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