No smoking in company trucks

by BA
(Rogers, AR USA)

I have no smoking signs clearly posted in my assigned company truck yet dispatch allows smokers to use it on my off weekends. Isn't there a law against smoking in the workplace and why doesn't it apply to a drivers own away home?

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Mar 12, 2015
regarding "personally" NEW
by: Anonymous

well there you have it. that comment is exactly what's wrong with this industry today. drivers not having respect for other drivers for themselves or anything else for that matter. if something was said or done to offend him he would be the first one to cry the loudest..

Mar 11, 2015
personally NEW
by: Anonymous

I would throw your no smoking signs out the window every time i got in the truck.

does the company own the truck or do you own the truck?

if it is company owned truck then deal with the fact others can smoke in that truck.

have a nice day.

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