Newly engaged to a trucker - him being away spices things up!

by Brandi Shamell Mann
(Milwaukee, Wi USA)

Hi my name is Brandi I am 25 years old I am newly engaged to my high school sweet heart he is an on the road trucker, but I plan things for when he comes and we have amazing sex and chemistry when we finally see each other.

I think him being on the road spices things up because he' s gone so long I'm able to miss him a lot, so it feels like the first time with him every time we make love and we are always going places and doing things, so we don't have time to argue he loves my kids we set up dates for us and the kids sometimes its amazing to me.

I have heard that being with a trucker can cause you to be suspicious of his behavior while on the road I haven't got to that state of mind and I hope I never do I'm enjoying my trucker all smiles so far.

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Jun 29, 2016
We don't need all the explicit details
by: Anonymous

We do not need all your explicit details about your sex life with your trucker, some things need to be kept private & behind closed doors and you are looking at him through rose-colored glasses right now!

Jun 29, 2016
Good for you!!
by: Anonymous

Good for you Brandi, it is so nice to see someone who is positive and upbeat about their relationship with a trucker. I have just started dating a trucker, we are much older then you, but still, I agree with your attitude.

We don't get a chance to see each other all the time, but when we do it's like the first time. We talk, laugh and just enjoy each others company because we know it's only for a couple of days so we make the most of it.

When he's gone I keep busy and look forward to his phone calls or texts. Congrats on your engagement!

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