my question is can a cdl driver fuel off duty and personal use before he starts his day

by rara

Well im doing my log book but I fuel and stayed at a truck stop for about four hours before started driving. Can I legally put when I started driving and leave my fuel off duty and out of my 14hr log.

Answer - Lifeasatrucker:

No. When you move the truck to fuel, it will be considered on duty not driving flagged as fueling. (Note the location information)

It uses a minimum of 15mins of your 14hrs.

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Apr 22, 2016
Flagging fuel
by: Anonymous

Can you flag fuel an hour before or after getting it or does it have to show exactly when you fueled

Apr 12, 2016
Fueling off duty

The only time you can fuel off duty is when you are not under a load and are free and clear to leave the truck to go do things.

IT'S CALLED (REMAINING IN READY NESS ).. I pulled it from the HOS handbook . You can not be under dispatch or a load tho

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