My life as a pregnant truck driver's wife

My husband and I have been married for 3 years together for 6 we have a beautiful 4 year old daughter who just started school and we now have out second child on the way.

Since getting pregnant the job has become tougher. Before we were pregnant my husband and I were both disappointed when he missed events in our daughters life, just this year he has missed her first day of school, her first school Christmas concert and to top it off he missed her fourth birthday.

Now with the baby on the way he is not only missing important moments for our daughter but also moments of the pregnancy, he missed the pregnancy test being positive, the first doctors appointment, first appointment I heard the babies heart beat and my stomach growing.

I try to keep him informed on the pregnancy email him pictures, videos and letters about how the three of us are doing but there is no guarantee when he will get them. He tries so hard to call at least ever other day if not every day but sometimes he can get to a phone for two or three days.

He is a great husband and father, but now that I am pregnant my emotions are all over the place. I am stressed with working, taking care of our daughter and keeping myself healthy, sometimes I hate that he is so far away especially on the days when all I need is just a hug or a kiss or just watching him take care of our daughter.

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Apr 11, 2012
Doctor's Appointments and Drivers NEW
by: Lynn

I feel for you, as I know how that goes. If anyone has any suggestions regarding a truck driver being able to go to his own medical appointments, I would love to hear it. My spouse MUST have blood work and see his doctor every few weeks, but it's been awfully difficult trying to accomplish this.

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