moving freight that belongs to another company

by Chuck

I'm I'm forklift driver.I was recently told that it is illegal for me to move any freight that been loaded by some other company other than the one I work for.

Is this true?

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Dec 11, 2017
Comany Policy
by: Hervy

Sounds more lke company policy due to insurance coverage and company liability if you get hurt.

You might not be covered u der the policy.

Oct 28, 2017
Forklift driver.
by: Anonymous

I'd do it anyway and not mention it; happens every day.

Oct 28, 2017
Ha Ha!!
by: Anonymous

You will soon learn about the world of "blind-shipments" and 'double-blind' shipments.

The trucker gets a set of bills from the customer (you) he is to give one set of bills (bogus) to his destination, one is to be billed on... and one is just for his records... if he can keep it straight.

Welcome to the world of trucking.

Businesses don't want to lose customers, but sometimes customers like to find 'other' methods of shipping without their carrier's knowledge, or without losing their own customer.

Is it legal? Not really. Is anyone gonna do anything? No, not really, just make sure that the correct copies get to the right people.

In other words, don't give the ORIGINAL BOL to the customer, give him the 'made up' one....

Nobody really cares. Today we live in a world of supply and demand. Customer orders a load last minute on a National Holiday. He doesn't ask, "can you get a truck" instead he asks "what is your ETA?"

People want things yesterday, hence the lack of filling up warehouses for storage. You may as well just go to the production line, even if it means waiting.

I know this all sounds like B.S., but allow me to do some "rabbit-trailing" (again)

Back in the day, if you pulled a Coors trailer and drove onto Budweiser's parking lot, they wouldn't even let you back in. They would make you back OUT into the busy blvd. you just came in on.

Millers was the same way. Funny... how they are now incorporated with Coors. It's a world of corporate partnerships and extreme demand.

When times get tough, Coors will not only sell empty cans to Budweiser, they will also supply the labels if needed.

It's a funny thing, the way this world gravitates towards money.... at any cost.

Don't worry about who-loads-what freight on who. It doesn't matter... unless of course your customer is standing there watching you put his freight on another truck while his is sitting in the street waiting... but hey, that's only illegal if he's illegally parked.....

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