Missouri Trucking

Missour D.O.T. 511 Road Conditions
Missour Trucking Association

Missouri trucking companies have plenty to haul to and from the show me state. Major freight makers in Missouri include light manufacturing, electrical equipment, aerospace, beer,transportation equipment, food processing, hay, corn, soy beans, dairy products, cotton, rice, eggs and their mommas. Wine seems to be an up and coming major contributor too.

As an owner operator, I saw some of the highest paying freight going to and from Missouri.

Missouri produces the most lead in the country. It also produces large amounts of limestone. Other mining includes coal and crushed stone.

Kansas City is the largest rail hub in the nation for tonnage of freight handled.

(Facebook fun. Post your answers at the bottom on facebook comments

Missouri's boundaries touches eight states. Which are they? Missouri is the second largest producer of hogs after which state?)

Missouri Trucking
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