Looking for trucker's personal stories and trucker expressions!

I'd like a list of trucker expressions, vernacular.

I'm writing a novel and one of the characters is a trucker who picks up a run-a-way girl and whose truck is infiltrated by terrorists and a bomb placed in it on the way to the Los Angeles Convention center. I like my novels to be accurate and believable although they are fiction.

I listen to BubbaBo at night and try to pick up tips and facts, but I' love folks to write to me and tell me their stories, the terms the truckers use and I'd like to know about that trucking company that went out of business when the father died. (Arrow?)

I'd like to advocate for truckers without getting mushy & obvious. My dad had his own line of refrigerated trucks because he was a rancher and shipped fruit, and I've always admired the hard work of the trucker. In fact a trucker is my hero in the second novel I wrote.
Thank you,

email: elizabeth.jenan.dickman@google.com

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Jul 05, 2010
Questions about trucking life
by: Lizzee

My novel involves a trucker. Right now I'm at a point (Chapter 17) where my trucker receives a phone call. Would that be a cell phone or a CB? What is the usual thing used? Would he have a head set? Would the intrument be on the dash board so he had to reach for it?

Also, I have my trucker driving a refrigerated semi . Does that make sense? How many tons of produce could he haul in a semi?

Also, my trucker picks up a hitchhiker. Would that be realistic? or dangerous. It is a runaway kid he feels sorry for.

When he gets his produce to a drop would it be normal for there to be someone to unload it? Is that a union thing?

May 18, 2010
truckers personal stories and expressions
by: Hervy

Hello Elizabeth,

I appreciate your desire to fairly represent truckers i your writing. Sounds like an interesting story (and very possible).

Here is a page with CB talk to give you an idea of the conversation. Listen as you watch the video.

Also there is a link to the wiki page where there is a full list of CB terms and Truckers Lingo.

However, be advised that most of the lingo and cb terms is not actually used today as much as just regular talk. Only a few of those old school long standing terms are used as you will hear when you watch the video.

CB Talk and Truckers Terms

Some truckers stories are here.

crazy truckers stories

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