Lonely wife

by Denise Farmer
(Bruceton, TN)

My husband is an over the road truck driver. He is gone usually two wks at a time. I have three kids of my own who live with their father & a stepson who lives with us.

My family lives in Indiana & we live in Tennessee as well as my husband's family. His family isn't able to handle the stresses of helping with my stepson so that I can work a full time job to help support my other children.

We go through the challenges of his kid/my kids. It just happens in split families. Since my husband is gone all the time I am limited to the hours I can work. I have to be able to get my stepson on the bus & then be home when he gets off. My mother-n-law can't handle homework time with my stepson as he is ADD.

My husband & I have decided that it's best for me to stay home & raise my stepson. I enjoy that! However, it is hard for people to understand our life. I had to learn overnight how to be a plumber, car repairman, take care of the lawn, etc. All of which my husband used to handle.

All that my husband is responsible for is focusing on working & financially providing. (Which is a big deal & I am truly grateful that he takes good care of us)He rather I take care of EVERYTHING else. I pay bills, raise the kids, clean, organize,etc. I am here to be his helper & I am happy to do it.

But sometimes it is extremely hard to be strong ALL the time. My husband & I get along better when he believes that I'm not weak or that I can manage everything. It feels like my husband is dead for 2 wks & then he comes to life again, then we repeat the process.

When my husband is home we are amazingly happy. Things are great. I have a great husband who puts up with a lot on the road. He lets me be a stay at home mom which has been a dream of mine.

There are good & bad with everything. I treasure the time I do have with my husband & I am learning how to cope alone.

I want to be the wife that my husband adores & is proud of.

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Sep 29, 2011
i understand
by: L

Hello Denise

I know how you feel being lonely and not having the support we need as we stay at home and try to take care of everthing else that comes along with trying to be postive for our husbands, I do believe we as women feel different as far as missing our husbands. My husband tells me all the time he loves me and misses me, just sometime i think he says it just because he feels he needs to. See my husband is leasing a truck and i have to find his loads and sometimes i just feel like his dispatcher,,,,. Not always a good feeling when there is no freight, and i keep my grandson for my daughter. So i know how hard it can be when you have little kids. and i hope you have some time for yourself, just keep your chin up high and just keep loving your husband, we as wives have to love these men because of there jobs. I've been out with mine and wish i could all the time but right now i can't. If you ever need to talk my email is taylor4here@aol.com take care and remember we're in this together.


Sep 29, 2011
i understand
by: L

Hello Denise

I know how you feel being lonely and not having the support we need as we stay at home and try to take care of everthing else that comes along with trying to be postive for our husbands, I do believe we as women feel different as far as missing our husbands. My husband tells me all the time he loves me and misses me, just sometime i think he says it just because he feels he needs to. See my husband is leasing a truck and i have to find his loads and sometimes i just feel like his dispatcher,,,,. Not always a good feeling when there is no freight, and i keep my grandson for my daughter. So i know how hard it can be when you have little kids. and i hope you have some time for yourself, just keep your chin up high and just keep loving your husband, we as wives have to love these men because of there jobs. I've been out with mine and wish i could all the time but right now i can't. If you ever need to talk my email is taylor4here@aol.com take care and remember we're in this together.


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