Lonely alot loved even more

by LaVina

Not yet a wife, but me and my trucker have been together for a yr and a half. He was a trucker when I met him and so I walked into this with my eyes wide open. He is gone for 2-3 weeks at a time and home for 4-5 days then gone again.

It does get lonely but my advice is stay busy and time flies. The worst part for me is when he is coming home because then time just drags by.

I trust him and he trusts me. I spend my days waiting but the time we get together is worth it, we try to make every moment count. Even when it's just watching tv.

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Feb 28, 2016
In the same boat
by: Anonymous

My boyfriend is a trucker too. We've been together a year now so I also knew the deal when I met him. He is gone for 5 weeks at a time then home a week. Sometimes I get to see him for a day in between home visits when he does his restart.

I get lonely too.Talking every night helps with the lonliness. We also make the most of the time he's home. However, when he first gets home he is very tired and dirty...lol.

Trust is the key when you're dating a trucker. You also have to be pretty independent and work on having a life of your own when he's gone. It's hard, no doubt. I miss my guy all the time.

I love him so much though and I respect the hard work he does.

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