Life of a working truckers wife and Mom to a newborn plus 2

My husband started trucking a little over a year ago. Before that he worked in a warehouse, struggled to make ends meet, and was home everyday. He went to school and him and his best friend team drive now.

I'll admit him being gone for almost 2 months in the beginning was hard, especially because we had 2 young children at the time, but it was a good decision because we were financially struggling at the time.

He comes home usually every weekend, but is gone on the week days. I hold down the fort while he's gone and also work full time as a teacher. Fast forward to October of 2014, i found out I was pregnant with our first child together (other 2 kiddos are from his previous relationships).

It was mostly sad for me to go to ultrasounds and appointments by myself and him not being there, but we got through it. Fast forward to July 2015 and our daughter was born at the beginning of the month. He came into town the day she was born and was able to be there for my labor and her being born (thank god).

He had to leave a few days later, but his truck ended up breaking down, so he was detained for almost 2 weeks. I didn't want him to leave because i knew it would be harder, especially with a brand new baby, 10 year old, and an 8 year old. In the past few weeks I have cried so many tears, mostly from being sleep deprived, but also because I miss my husband so much and want him home.

It's hard on our two oldest kids because they miss him terribly and he misses out on a lot of the milestones that happen with them (starting school, school plays, losing a tooth, parent/teacher conferences, etc.)

When he's home we make the most of it and try to spend as much time as we can together.

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Sep 02, 2015
New mom NEW
by: Anonymous

It gets easier. You'll find your rhythm

Sep 02, 2015
New mom NEW
by: Anonymous

It gets easier. You'll find your rhythm

Aug 15, 2015
Want him home... NEW
by: Anonymous

Well, it looks like you aren't okay with your husband being out on the the road and not home with you and the kids. Have you talked to him about it? If he has been driving now for over a year he could now probably find a short haul, or local driving job where the truck company's insurance is okay with your husband's year of experience on the road.
You could help him do the research on the internet for a trucking company that would hire him for short-haul or local work or maybe the company he works for has that type of driving opportunity. It might not pay what he is getting driving over-the-road but he would be at home more often. But the first thing and most important thing to do is explain to him how you feel and what you and your kids need. If you tell him, after doing some research, that there are other driving options he may be receptive, I hope so. God bless.

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