Life changing question about becoming a trucker

by 2scoops
(Chicago, Il.)

Can you ever be a truck driver again after one 9 year old D.U.I?

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Feb 23, 2014
by: Anonymous

You can start trucking, most insurance company's for trucking company's say seven years before they will hire someone that had a DUI. Keep in mind that if you were to ever get another one you would automatically have your CDL taken away from you and you would have to start all over. They do this cause as a CDL driver you are considered a professional driver, you are supposed to know more than anybody else on the road. Which also means that all you tickets are doubled, points and fine, even in your personal vehicle. It's a great career and you can make a lot of money if you follow the right steps. Good luck.

Feb 22, 2014
by: Bill Brown

Yes, you can. I had a DUI in 2006. paid everything off. It took a while before any company started to look at me. Only because I went thru a trucking school and did a refresher that I was able to get back into OTR. Keep the faith and don't give up. I went company with Prime and bringing home between $550 - $950 EVERY WEEK. Keep me informed on how's it going.

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