Life as a Truck Drivers Long Term Girlfriend

I have been with my boyfriend for 5 years and we have 3 kids together. Just in the last couple months he left to get a job driving OTR.

The company he is driving for only sends them home one day for every week they work out of the month. I haven't seen my man except over the webcam since last month.

We missed having Thanksgiving with him and we might miss being together for Christmas. I miss him so much and our kids are 4 and under and it hurts when they say "wheres daddy" or "why isn't daddy eating dinner with us" or when i go to get them from my moms and they yell "mommy - daddy" and have to c there face when I tell them daddy isn't here.

I know it will get easier but for now I cry when the kids aren't looking. I talk to my boyfriend everyday and text him when he is sitting waiting.

I miss him like crazy but I would never tell him to give it up, It has been his dream to go back to driving OTR ever since his ex-wife gave him the choice me or the road and he keeps saying if I knew I would have found you then I would have never left driving and I cant take his dream away from him.

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Nov 26, 2011
alot to be thankful for this year NEW
by: Anonymous

Thank you, yes he did make it home this year. It was a two for one deal this year because our son turned five this year on thanksgiving. He also helped me make dinner and then we got to go shopping on friday together. This year was a much better year...

Nov 24, 2011
Thanksgiving NEW
by: Hervy

I hope that he made it home this Thanksgiving!

Dec 11, 2010
It does get eaiser....
by: RhaeandFayesMom

It does get somewhat easier, but not completely. We have an 19 month old daughter and when daddy's not here she realizes it every minute. It really makes things difficult at times when they are to young to fully understand what is going on. When daddy does come home she clings to him for dear life and doesn't want to let him out of her sight or sleep when he's home because she's afraid he'll leave out in the middle of the night. When he finally has to leave, she cries for hours. Once the crying stops she's hell on wheels for a the next few days trying to adjust to him being gone. I'm hoping that as the years go by and she gets older and able to understand more, things will get eaiser.

He has been driving a truck sence before she was born. Every time she sees a red truck she starts screaming "dadda momma luk dadda". I think for the most part she understands that "dadda works" but at times it doesn't make things any easier.

Being the wife/girlfriend/partner of a trucker is one of the hardest, most rewarding jobs I have ever known. It takes strength and patience to make everything work. Wishing the best to you and your family.

Dec 11, 2010
It does get eaiser....
by: RhaeandFayesMom

It does get somewhat easier, but not completely. We have an 19 month old daughter and when daddy's not here she realizes it every minute. It really makes things difficult at times when they are to young to fully understand what is going on. When daddy does come home she clings to him for dear life and doesn't want to let him out of her sight or sleep when he's home because she's afraid he'll leave out in the middle of the night. When he finally has to leave, she cries for hours. Once the crying stops she's hell on wheels for a the next few days trying to adjust to him being gone. I'm hoping that as the years go by and she gets older and able to understand more, things will get eaiser.

He has been driving a truck sence before she was born. Every time she sees a red truck she starts screaming "dadda momma luk dadda". I think for the most part she understands that "dadda works" but at times it doesn't make things any easier.

Being the wife/girlfriend/partner of a trucker is one of the hardest, most rewarding jobs I have ever known. It takes strength and patience to make everything work. Wishing the best to you and your family.

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