Just feeling done....

My husband has been trucking now eight years. I cant take it anymore. He is always gone. He went from buying his own "trucks" that kept breaking down, and is now renting one for a thousand dollars a week.

If something happens to it they have to fix it and he gets free oil changes. He shovels out over 10,000 or more with fuel to run the truck and really does not care about the finances around the house. We have four children, three still at home. He just now is buying his third trailer, and has two people under his authority..... I can not get him to do anything when he gets home as a family, or with us. His showering is awful...HE NEVER WANTS TO TAKE ONE..., He can barely walk anymore because he sits to much. He said this is what he will be doing the rest of his life... wants me to go with... not.. he never stops to do anything,, or clean it. Everything is just not what it used to be. no more family time at all.my 11 year old feels it. we used to do a lot now his truck is more important. believe me there is no money left after bills. IM ready to get back to work and move on with my life.

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Sep 07, 2015
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by: Anonymous

work is work any type of it is, doesn't matter. Man has responsibilities of expenses of his wife and children and he has to earn for his family. Similarly your husband is also doing this but you are also right to some extent that he has to spend time with family.Because family is most important than anything else in world.

Aug 28, 2015
Totally understand NEW
by: Patricia

I know EXACTLY how you feel. Mine has been driving for 21 years. I am tired of being lonely and never getting to do things as a family.

Aug 11, 2015
best of luck NEW
by: Anonymous

Do what you have to do but Go with your heart not with your mind.wish best of luck.

It's not good of him to not exercise a few times a week. He is going to end up with a lot of health problems especially poor circulation of the legs and other health problems, then what's he going to after take his legs off and starts doingvdiabetic shots and alot of other meds cause of his bad choices and of his hygiene...he won't be doing nothing causes his trucking days will be ending and of him flat broke and living of what little he going to get on disability or social security...leasing or renting is not for everyone. With way ur describing of no money after bills paid...leasing and paying other drivers is not for him.

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