Job Security In Trucking

The job security in trucking is high. I am pretty sure it will remain high. In fact the department of labor statistics expect the need for 250,000 drivers by the year 2016. There is a huge shortage of drivers. Even in today's economy many large companies are continuing to strive. The nature of our jobs as trucker puts us right in the middle of all the action. Raw materials must be transported to factories. Then finish products must be transported.

Remember as a big truck drivers, we serve other companies not consumers directly. Sure things may slow down but good drivers will always be needed. If you become a trucker be a responsible, dependable driver and you will have a job security.

By the way take a look in you local paper and see how many trucking jobs that is being advertised.

Dept. of Labor Statistics Job Outlook for trucking 2006 - 2016

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