Is there age discrimination in the trucking industry

by Tom
(Phoenix, AZ)

Giving a lot of thought of getting into truck driving as my new career. Always wanted to drive a truck and see the country. Just got let go from a job that seems to want younger workers. I'm 57, what are my chances of having a company hire me and have a decent career in trucking?

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Mar 08, 2023
Yes they do NEW
by: Anonymous

I’m 18 and I have my CDL I had a nearly perfect score on written and skills test and I can’t even get local jobs due to the fact I’m 18. If I can go out and die for my country I should be able to drive a truck

May 07, 2020
Age discrimination NEW
by: Alan Trosino

I have had my CDL since 2001, have driven over 1 million miles with no accidents, no duis', or felonies.
I have been unemployed since January 10th, 2020 and am finding it difficult to secure another job because of my age 81. My medical is good till April of 2021. I take no medications and am in perfect health.
Many company's insurance providers, are discriminating because of age. Some say a company cannot hire over age 60 and some say age 70.

Alan Trosino

May 16, 2016
Insurance companies discriminate on good, older drivers NEW
by: AT

The biggest discrimination comes from the insurance companies. My driver has NEVER had claim and has never been Out of Service, and his insurance just went up $2800, for NO REASON except they are greedy!

Jun 30, 2015
Yes,the there is age discrimination NEW
by: Anonymous

Even beyond the DOT, the insurance companies mandate who companies can and cannot hire and age is a factor.

Sep 17, 2013
Is there age discrimination in the trucking industry NEW
by: jessicarobin

It really doesn't exist in trucking industry. Why? Because the median age of truckers is in the mid to high 50's....and in reality, many companies prefer older drivers as they are steadier, set in work habits, more mature.
What are more important than age are the person’s abilities, and their general health and their ability to pass the DOT physical.

Jul 22, 2013
no discrimination in trucking NEW
by: ron

At 57 it would depend largely on your health. If you are in go health and can pass a dot physical. You should have no problem with getting hired with a company. Don't let anyone fool you. There is and always will be a shortage of OTR truck drivers also the fact that a lot of drivers can't past the new physical laws. I personally think that shortage will go as the economy gets better. So get out there and go trucking.

Jul 22, 2013
age discrimination NEW
by: Hervy

Tom there is discrimination. But there is discrimination in every industry about age, sex, race to some extent. So don't worry about if it exists.

The better question though is, are there any trucking companies out there that will hire you. The answer is yes. If other than your age, you are a good candidate.

Obviously, since you are older though they will be paying close attention to your health. If there is any problems I would think they are going to put a lot of weight on it.

Also, if your work, criminal or driving record is not appealing, it will hurt your chances.

Best of luck,

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