is it legal for someone to retread their on diesel tires ?

by Billy

I am wondering how dangerous it is to re-thread your own tires. To me it would seem like a qualified person should be doing this. Am I right or wrong?

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Feb 21, 2012
Re treading tires NEW
by: Hervy


I don't know if an individual can legally retread.

The tires must meet legal requirements though.

The process is not all that hard at all if you have a tool for doing it. On a new tire you just dig cut in between the grooves deeper so that the dept meet D.O.T. requirements

I don't see why anyone would want to do it. It only costs a few dollars to stop and have it done. Well actually I am talking about years ago when I was an o/o.

Here is where you can ask specific questions about retreading though
retreading tires.


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