Is becoming a big truck driver still a good decision in this economy?

Im looking at getting into trucking. I finished a year of college, generals mainly. And the school im at offers a Class A certification. I'm just wondering about some things before i make a decision.

First of which being, the industry.
I know trucking is a huge industry, but with the economy the way it is right now, is this a good career to get into, with gas and all?

And second being, flat out, what is it like. I love going on long trips, and always thought it would be fun. But what are some of the less then obvious pros and cons?

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Jun 14, 2008
Is becoming a big truck driver still a good career coice?
by: Anonymous

Becoming a big truck driver with out a doubt is still a good career choice. If fuel gets to $10 per gallon big trucks will still have to roll to get products and materials to the shelves. The increase will go to shippers and then consumers.

Yes consumer won't buy as much unnecessary goods but so much other stuff must be transported. If you become a big truck driver and keep your record clean it will be a safe choice whether it's career move or for gainful employment in a solid field simply for job security during a questionable economy.

To be honest, right out of school before creating any extra expenses is the best time to become a trucker. (I wish I had done it right out of school or out the military)Don's spend your money, so you'll have a lump some to invest in your next move later when you start driving.

The advantages and disadvantages of becoming a big truck driver are listed on the website. Look for advantages and disadvantages buttons on the left.

Just leaving school, don't know if your single without kids, if that is the case, your advantages far out weigh your disadvantages because the biggest disadvantage would be leaving the family behind.

The biggest advantage is not being on the clock and monitored. Also,being paid to travel the country. You can even continue learning with cd's while you drive.

Thanks for posting,

if you have any more questions feel free to ask.

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