In trucking school, failed the hair test

Don't have a cdl, in school, got a random hair test, failed.

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Mar 02, 2012
by: Anonymous

Yes i agree drugs and semis do not mix however i gave up smoking pot (which is rather harmless) to join the trucking industry.... they can detect it in your hair for up to 1-3the yrs.

I don't agree with the determination from what happened in your past esp when you have no convictions from anything.

So i smoked pot (most Americans do and you have no clue)... Willing to give up pot for a stable career is a logical choice, I think they just take it to extremes, esp if you were prescribed the medication in the soon to start school so i hope the tests are urinalysis and not follicle.... thanks

Oct 24, 2011
by: Anonymous

If you has researched you known what to expect in regards to drug testing. I can't and won't feel sorry for you. Using drugs and operating an 80,000 tractor/trailer in just unforgivable.

You went to school and were sent hone because you failed your drug test. If trucking was important to you, you would've thought differently. No sympathy here.

Chances are that failed drug test went on your DOT record and you will NEVER get a job in the trucking industry.

Oct 08, 2011
by: NickV

Your screwed. Smooth move. Dons know how many times I have posted about drugs and driving trucks but here's a perfect example. You screwed up a lot more than trucking.

Life is all about making decisions and you made a bad one. If you think im being heartless about this subject...I am

Oct 07, 2011
In trucking school, failed the hair test
by: Anonymous

That is tough.

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