In an accident with my truck, the people in the car are suing me/my insurance, what will happen?

by Matt
(Troy, MO)

I am an owner operator with my own authority.

While I was changing lanes I swiped a car that was in my blind-spot. The roads were wet (it was drizzling all day). When I swiped the car it sent it to the curb.

The over corrected the steering and spun. When I swiped them it was with the front axle tires of the trailer on the passenger side. I immediately started to slow down. when they spun it started a reaction.

They came back hit my pass side front tires of truck, bounced off, spun hit driver side front tire of truck, bounced off spun hit front axle tires of trailer driver side. bounced off spun & came back to hit the rear back axle of trailer before stopping.

I know that there car was totaled. My insurance is paying for them a rental car & a check for what their car was worth the day before the accident.

They are now suing me/my insurance. What is the likely out come of this?

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Dec 20, 2012
Getting sued from causing an accident
by: Hervy

More than likely Matt, your insurance company will settle and your insurance will go up.

Hate this happened, but it could have been much worse. Especially with how many times you mentioned contact occurred.

Was the driver of the car hurt at all or not?

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