I'm Sick and Alone With Him OTR

by Jen
(USA )

I don't keep a positive attitude and I hate every second of this life. I'm sick w a potentially fatal disease and my fiancé decided now is a good time to go back to OTR. He's leaving a great hourly job that has PTO and he's home every weekend.

I know some people enjoy this life, but I hate it. When we started dating all he could talk about for 2 years was finding a job where he could be home weekends. I enjoy that schedule because I get some independence. I don't need him home 7 days a week.

I was very clear I didn't want to date an OTR trucker, so he just sold me a pack of lies. OTR pay sucks and idk how we'll survive.

I'm sick, alone and pissed off

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Sep 06, 2017
I totally agree on OTR pay sucks
by: Anonymous

I am sorry that you are dealing with a disease. The last person that posted OTR pays great is probably an O/O (owner/ operator)!

A company employee pays by the mile & when the wheels stop, the pay stops & my husband has been doing OTR trucking for 6 years now & he gets paid 41 cents a mile, some of his pay checks amounted to a max of $250.00 a week clear after taxes, medical & dental taken out!

And if the truck has to go in the shop, my husband was sitting one time up to a week waiting for his truck to get repaired because the mechanic was waiting on a part & he had other trucks to service & that week was spent in a hotel in Texas near the Mexican border & since the trucking company only paid for the room one day at a time, the hotel people kept changing both my husband & his team driver to 7 different rooms & when my husband did come home for home time, he brought home unexpected guests (bedbugs) & that was a friggin nightmare to get rid of, our place now is bedbug free but it was FRIGGIN EXPENSIVE to get rid of them, between exterminating & getting rid of all our furniture, the exterminator told us we had to do this, & buying all new furniture, & we never had a bedbug problem till he started trucking & going to 7 different rooms at that hotel!

My husband got into trucking after his jobs that he had shut down or relocated to another State & a friend of his (who is not a trucker) told him to go into trucking because you won't have to worry about your company laying off or relocating & this same friend told him that trucking is where the money is.

Well when the friend was told of the amounts of the paychecks, he said someone told him that trucking pays thousands &. thousands of money being cleared after taxes & medical getting deducted & the friend said he was sorry for mentioning trucking to my husband because he then said he didn't realize that an OTR trucker pay siucks.

Plus I will add that my husband is a totally different person meaning I am noticing personality changes in him that he did not have before he did OTR trucking & in my opinion if anyone asked me if I would refer anyone for a trucking job, I would say NO, but HELL NO!!

Aug 22, 2017
OTR pays great!
by: Anonymous

OTR pay is great is you're with the right company. I know drivers making $1000 - $1500 every week. Magnum Ltd. is one of those companies.

Aug 21, 2017
Have you talked about this
by: Hervy

Just wondering if you talked about this to him? If so what is the response to you not wanting him to leave to go OTR when he actually is leaving a good job.

Also, you are not married yet. You want a different life. He wants to be OTR more than he wants to be married or he knows that you will accept it?

He doesn't care about how this affects you and you are sick on top of that?

Orrrr does he see this as necessary because your condition will require more money than the job and he is looking down the road to getting positioned to make more money after getting experience.

I don't know. I am throwing things out there for you to consider for moving forward with him. You have to communicate your feeling to him in a way that he absorbs it and not dismiss it.

See if you can get him to see things from your point of view. You might need to see counseling with him. I think it will help you.

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