I'm a trucker's wife and I'm oh so proud of it...

by Anne

Yes. I am a trucker's wife and I am so proud of it. And other truckers' wives should be too. If nobody else would, the who will be?

My husband has been driving trucks for 21 years now. I've only been married to him for almost three years, going to our 4th year now. I'm not an American, it is understood that I'm an outsider of this country and I never imagine that I'd marry a trucker.

At first, I thought it was bad but not hardly after all. My husband is a very nice man in all sense of the word. He will take his shirt off and give it to somebody who needs it, if you know what I mean.

I have the opportunity to be everywhere in the country because of the line of his work and that is more than an average girl in our country could experience. I get to meet friends of different races, religions, personality, colors and beliefs and I love it.

Most truckers are polite and always have a ready smile for everyone. Some can be snobs but it don't faze me. I love waving at them whenever we're driving unlike the regular truckers wave that you just move your hands and that's enough.

I gave them like a wave of a child whenever she sees something new that she never see before and with accompanying big smile. I care less if they wave back or not. But when they see me waving and smiling, and they wave back then I am mostly happy.

Well, it's just me. Simple things like that makes me happy. I love truck stops. I always thought that they are the melting pots of making friends and acquaintances other than the usual activities like taking showers, bathroom breaks and laundry and such. Truck stops to me seems like a haven where good people abounds.

Yes, for me, I view everything as good, nice, kind and generous. There is no such things as bad to me. Coz I know, wherever I go, I walk with God beside me and I don't have to be scared coz He's always around to protect me.

This whole thing is very different from the way we lived back home in my own native country. I'm a homebody, mother of three before I married my husband now.

Now, he got instant family and kids and they adored him so much and takes him as their real dad. We've been in a long-distance relationship for more than 4 years before I got here in the US and married him so we kinda know each other already and the life he has.

I don't have any problems with that in a way. Because for me, as long as he loves my kids and treats them right, then we'll have no problem. My kids comes first most of all.

What can I say aside from being a happy trucker's wife? Oh, I have to say, I love truck drivers and truck driving although I'm not driving. I'm just a regular wife in the passenger seat sitting next to the husband driving.

I always say, Trucking and truck drivers is America's backbone. Without them, how do u think we'd be able to get all our needs such as foods, medicine and the basic commodity?

They're putting a great deal of time, effort, courage and dedication being on the road and getting things we need when we need it and where we need it.

I am proud of them.

They aren't any more noble job than truck driving and truckers. So I always feels so bad with people and rules giving them a hard time. They don't realize what they have to go through for them to be able to deliver goods and services at the right time and place with safety.

I guess, somebody has to be a trucker driver and fill in their shoes to be able to understand such situation. Most of them live a solitary life on the road just to make a living. Some are lucky to take their girlfriends and wives with or some of the children to fill the void of longings for their family.

It takes a great deal of courage, patience, knowledge, generosity and understanding to be a successful trucker and I am proud that my husband has all of that. May not be the best looking trucker in the whole trucking industry but for me, he is the most handsome man in my heart.

I love him more than anything else in this world because of his sacrifices. And I am sharing this to all of you. In order to live a happy life on the road, you have to understand the need to accomplish the job and I do. I will try to be there and be always supportive of him as long as he needed me to be.

More power and hope this can be an inspiration to others to share their own stories about their spouses.

Thank You and have a nice day.

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Mar 08, 2011
sometimes it pays to be totally quiet... lol
by: blue

Being a truckers' wife is a hard tasks and I can never compare myself to everybody because each one of us is different in so many ways. I understand the longings of a wife to her husband when she was left home with nobody and her husband has to be out on the road. I told my husband that maybe the reason behind why it is so easy for me to stay home and still make myself busy is because I have been a mom before I became a full-time wife. Lol. Kinda confusing isn't it. But it is true. I was with a guy who eventually became the father of my three kids but we were never married. He really never give attention to me and help me out with the kids so most of the time, I'm a full time mother than a full time wife and I like it. To be able not to be lonely all the time, we need to focus our attention to something else worth doing rather than making ourselves busy worrying about something and scaring ourselves to death. I go with my husband in the truck most of the time but there are those times that I need to stay home. There's a lot of things to do. I babysat for a friend, neighbor or whoever needs help. I cook, clean the house, do laundry, bake cookies and cook for friends... sew.... read, sleep, pray, sing, eat, breathe, lol watch movie, tv, take walks, bike, write, draw.... do crafts such as knitting, crocheting, decorating, paper crafts.. I just never run out of things to do. Lol. Maybe i'm just a homebody type. It depends on a person. I never drink, smoke, party, or anything .... i'm a typical girl with whom a guy would love to take home to his mom lol but the point is... there are lots of things to keep us busy.... if you just know what you enjoy doing.......

Mar 08, 2011
Thank u oh so much
by: Anonymous

Dear Miss Anonymous

I am so happy to read your comment and in awe that you really enjoyed my shared thoughts about being a trucker's wife. For the past four years, I have learned so much from it that taught me humility,respect, generosity, friendship and how not to abandon faith when hope seems so rare. I am overwhelming with the desire to share inspiration to other people and trying to put a good example to other housewives out there who seems to be so caught up in their own world. I hope this site will be my my threshold of inspirations, hope and encouragement for people who seems to be losing their grip on their daily basis. I wish we could be friends and share anything that we may have in common. Take good care and keep in touch. ;ust remember, when u seems losing your sense of direction on the road of life, u don't need a GPS to find your way to the light. You only need God to show you and lead u to where it is and nothing else matter anymore. He's always there for u. Have a nice day. (",)

Mar 07, 2011
How wonderfuf
by: Anonymous

I think it is wonderful that you are so happy with one another an your family is so happy to be here I wish you all the best an many happy roads ahead ps you just gave me a better out look on my own life thanks for sharing a wonderful story;-()

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