I'm a class b Driver I live in Florida if I get pulled over for bald tires and such do I get the fine what is my company get it

by Keith
(Sarasota fla)

I am a class B CDL driver in Sarasota I have bald tires I leak a quart of oil a day and it shows I have no working gauges no speedometer no horn and three of my lights are out.

If I get pulled over do I get the fine? what is my company if I refuse to drive I lose my job

Comments for I'm a class b Driver I live in Florida if I get pulled over for bald tires and such do I get the fine what is my company get it

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Dec 09, 2016
Grow up!
by: Gotooslow

Look, you are not only risking your life, but the lives of countless others. Bald tires blow! You may be traveling next to a friend of yours or a relative. Have you ever seen the damage a blown tire can do to a passenger vehicle when thrown from a commercial vehicle?

The fine should be the least of your concerns. The reality is, you are responsible for the condition of the vehicle you are driving. You are the one going to get the fine.

Grow a couple and tell your safety director to shove that truck up his wazoo. Find another job.
BTW, after you quit give a call to the FDLE they love to deal with truck owners who don't care about safety.

Dec 07, 2016
You will likely get some fines
by: Hervy

Yes you get the fine. You need to record proof of your company refusing to get that stuff fixed but you still are choosing to drive it like that.

I understand you will lose your job but that is another issue from driving it that way. Unfortunate situation they have you in.

I would get proof of their negligence and then refuse or drive the truck straight to the DOT scales and tell them to inspect it and tell them why.

lol, easy for me to say than for you to do. But really...you need to cover your butt. Call the DOT and ask them how you should handle it. (or call a lawyer and ask)

If they retaliate against you (fire you) for not driving unsafe, I suppose you can sue. (Again i don't know, talk to a lawyer)

Of course, once they see that you are serious about not driving it like that, they night just change their attitude.


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