If I get pulled over for a traffic violation such bald tires do I get the infraction or does t it go towards the company

by Keith
(Sarasota fl)

If I get pulled over for a traffic violation such as bald tires does that go towards my license or does that go towards the company that I'm driving for

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Nov 30, 2016
You better have written it up in your
by: Anonymous

Pre Post Inspection book, otherwise you are just as guilty, if not moreso.

Your boss can just say that during orientation he told you to turn in your pretrips daily and that he would fix anything immediately.

Now, if you've been filling them out and calling him about these tires and he still does nothing and you get a ticket.

As long as you can prove it, his ass is grass.

Best to park a rig or turn the boss in if he doesnt like repairing safety items promptly.

That says a lot about him.

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