If I completed a drug diversion program successfully and the case was dismissed...will i b disqualified from obtaining a cdl

I was arrested for possession of a controlled substance. I completed a drug program and the case was dismissed.. will that disqualify me from receiving a commercial driver's license in the state of California

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Sep 09, 2016
Check with the CA DMV
by: BIg Joe

Make sure it is expunged from your record before u APPLY anywhere. U should be fine if it is dismissed. trucking saved my life I was living on my buddies couch when I started, now making $65 a year.

If u want a CDL u must make a personal decision to not do drugs, I won't let a hooter get in the way of my money!

I recommend truck driving to anybody who want to make some nice cash and see the country, your first year don't plan on making that much, but with a year exp. you'll start making bank.

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