I was locked up 400 miles from home. Is bosss liable?

by TruckerWife

I went to jail for misdemeanor marijuana possession 400 miles from home&my truck was impounded. My boss came and got the truck,but did not post my bond.

Is my employer liable for me being stranded after my release to get me home?

Also, can he keep my last paycheck for impound fees after he fired me???

Please help

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Aug 20, 2016
pot guy NEW
by: jesse meza

Are you serious? You and shit people like you thats bringing this industry to the hopeless state its in.

Sep 09, 2015
Truck towed because I was arrested.Owners keeping my paycheck.Can he do that??? NEW
by: Anonymous

Cool thanks for the comment.He's also keeping my last paycheck.I've already filed with the Labor board because I know for a fact that its illegal to hold my earning for towing costs.

Sep 07, 2015
nope NEW
by: Anonymous

Did ya boss give you the weed? Didn't think so so your on your own to get home and he can charge you for the fee's cause your the reason the truck got towed

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