I sent him a text that i'm regretting having sent now..ugh...

by maria

Ok...so i'm thinking wayyyy too much about this and thinking too much into it but I don't really care right now so.....

The last text I sent this trucker three days ago basically said "it gives me so much joy to need sex and your not around (sarcasm:)"

This guy is skittish about women cheating on him and giving him a hard time about him working so much...was that totally bad to send to him?

Should I send a back up text telling him that I was just playing with him and I'm totally fine with waiting til he is around again and I have no desire or intention of seeking it elsewhere.....?

Should I just leave it alone?

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May 17, 2012
Do the right thing
by: Anonymous

Do you think what you did was the right thing?

It does sound like you regret what you did?

Do you know how potentially dangerous it is for someone to be on the road driving and possibly filled with rage that was caused by a loved ones hurtful words?? Or maybe they loose sleep over it and then get back out on the road tired and hauling 40,000 pounds maybe more.

Yep, you need to do some real deep thinking on this one, and do the right thing. Save a life.

May 16, 2012
Text Anxiety
by: Hervy

Maria, hate you are having text anxiety. The question is what were you trying to achieve with the email.

Was it just thoughtless or for a specific reason.

In my opinion, the potential fallout from it is that you will not know if his response is due to your text or his attitude toward you anyway.

For instance, I am not sure I would have taken that so innocently. But then, that depends on how I had been treating you up to that point.

So I don't really know what to tell you.

What do you do now. Well I don't know that depends on why you sent the message you sent.

I think you need to find something more important to focus on in life like your personal goals. That is not trivial and is guaranteed to not be a waste of time.

That alone might be something that actually captures his interest. I have seen many women make a man or relationship the center of their existence and then fall apart because it doesn't go the way they want it to.

You should place that much value on a relationship with a man and no man should do that with a woman.

If you focus on your ambitions in life, whether he wants to see you when he comes in or not, you are still good.

Your self esteem is not shattered.

Just my thought.

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