i recently took a random u a for my job, i take hydrocodone but it came up positive for morphine what will tx dot do with me and my cdl

by ashley thomas
(goliad, tx)

Will TX dot do take my cdl away from me and what do i need to do? I take medication and my job was fine with it, but when they popped a random on me i thought everything was OK until they told me i came up positive for morphine, which i do not take.

Will, my cdl be taken away?

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Aug 28, 2012
it is a derivative....hope this helps!
by: Anonymous

derivative means that it is like this same substance you took. hydrocodine is morphine based... most of these scripts will come back morphine... so did you have a prescription in your name to take this medication??

you know you are not allowed to drive on this type of medication and it states that on the label....if this was your own medication did you state that in the box area of the paper you filled out asking to write down any medications you are taking???? And do you have doctors proof??

Now if none of the above applies to you then what has happened here is.... it is illegal to take other peoples medication it is a crime and possessing someone else medication that is in the controlled substance category is a felony and driving under the influence of them is another whammy.

You will be fired from that company..here is DOT regulation if you test positive for drugs:

No driver who tests positive for drugs or refuses to take the test can perform safety-sensitive duties until completing education and treatment with a substance abuse professional (SAP). This process includes a written follow-up plan with at least six unannounced drug tests in the 12 months after the driver returns to work. More tests may be required.

Read more: Federal DOT Regulations for a CDL After a Positive Drug Test | eHow.com after positive drug testing

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