I love my O.T.R

(Sault Ste Marie)

I am not a trucker's wife but I am the girlfriend of an O.T.R trucker and I would not change one moment of our life together. He was a trucker before we met and then just started trucking again a few months ago and he is so happy with his job and loves it and me...

I love the fact that he loves his job and I love that he comes home to me every weekend that he can. I just wish that more people would realize what the truckers (both men and women) go through.... the hell they put up with on the road from inconsiderate drivers and from some of the people they deliver to...

I always hear of the things that people do and how they treat him and it makes me sick to my stomach. Don't people realize that if it were not for our O.T.R's or even some local truckers we would not have anything that we have? Blahhhh people need to learn that.

Anyways on a closing note cause I could go on about that topic forever. I love my O.T.R and as long as he is happy with his job I will continue to support him and love him through it all .... and will always be right here waiting for him to come home.

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May 24, 2013
Agreed NEW
by: Anonymous

They do deserve so much credit they bust their butts driving long hours and then the hell they go through at the places that they do pick ups or drop offs it's craziness.
But you are so right I love when he is home and it is hard to see him go when the day comes but I too love every minute that we spend together when he is home. I just wish my work schedule would allow me to be home more often when he is here...

May 21, 2013
Amen NEW
by: Anonymous

You are so right! I also am not a wife yet but am engaged to an OTR truck driver. It is very hard for us to not have them home every day but it's equally hard for them to be away from their families.
They deserve a lot of credit for what they do and I love my man more every day.
He has been on home time for 3 days and is getting ready to head out. So hard to see them go but I know they are doing it to support us and I appreciate it more than I can say. It's exhausting when he's home trying to get him ready to go back out but I appreciate the time we have together that much more.

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