I knew his occupation when I married him...

by Sara
(valparaiso, IN USA)

My wedding day

My wedding day

When I met my husband he was a local driver, leaving in the morning and getting home every evening for dinner.
But I always knew that his experience for 15years was over the road. I just hoped that his local job would last or that if ever he would find another one.. well after being layed off for almost 5months, I learned there is no local driver jobs that pay a driver of his experience enough to support a family on. So the dreadful decision was made that he was going back over the road..

He was forced to leave me at 7months pregnant and be gone for weeks at a time.. He was fortunate to be home for the birth of our son and stay with us a week before he had to leave again. Now in the month that our son has been born, my husband has seen him twice...
So many people who find that my husband is a driver and that I am alone with a newborn child feel pity for me and I all I can say is imagine what he goes through, It is definitely harder on him than me.. It kills me that he is gone, but what hurts the most is to know he is hurting.

I am not going to deny that I have not had my selfish moments of what about me, but I remind myself that I get to spend my time at home, I get to hold our son and even though things are a struggle for me here, he would do anything else in life to be here and join me in this struggle and joyousness of parenting.

I just dont know how so many women did it before technology.. If I didn't have his phone calls everyday several times a day I would have broken long ago.

I love him and it is not fair to wives who have to wait, this world needs to give us a break. If anyone deserves millions of dollars it should be the men who keep the infrastructure of America running.. who cares if you can through a football.

I would do anything to make life on him easier and I can't, that is the hardest part of being a trucker wife.

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Nov 08, 2010
Proud of my Trucker.....
by: RhaeAndFayesMom

Sara, I can definately feel where your comming from. When our youngest daughter was born, he was in California. She was almost two weeks old before he got to hold her for the first time. Now she's 18 months old and it kills me to see the look on his face everytime he sees her when he firsts walks through that door. Time has flown by way to fast and knowing all the things he's missed out on over this time ways heavy on his heart. All for the love of his family, he sacrifices the most precious moments in order to make sure we are provided for. There are many times I have also spent those times being selfish, wishing I could just have him home if for no other reason than to just have a break from our girls, knowing all this time all he would kill for just to be able to be here with them more. I definately agree if everyone would open their eyes and realize that if it wasn't for our men that this country would fall to a halt in a heart beat. Truckers are the essential back bone of this country and they recieve little to no respect for it. I just wish everyone else could see a trucker's life through our eyes.....

Nov 06, 2010
trucking pays the bills
by: Hervy

Hey Sara,

Trucking pays the bills which is a good thing. What it does to most relationships seems to either bring about a greater amount of appreciation for each other or eat away at it.

Seem like you 2 are pretty compatible for each other. Both of you seem pretty lucky. Always happy to see each partner more concern for the others feeling than self because this bring about all types of joy in a relationship and I think even has the potential to expose others you encounter to positive energy which may benefit them without them even being aware.

Worry not, You are making his life easier and your probably having the same effect on others you interact with also.

Best wishes,

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