i have applied at a trucking company and need some thoughts please

by dbo

i applied for training and a job with cr england. has anyone ever worked for england and could you please tell me if this is a bad idea?...

i have no experience and this company will provide both the training and a job upon graduation.

I really have no choice seeinng as how everybody else wants experience. Again...good idea or bad?

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Feb 03, 2010
thanks guys
by: dbo

that is some good stuff...i have opted for driver solutions...they will send me to school for free and i will be placed with usa trucking on east coast and southeast runs out of michigan...i really don't see any other way to obtain the training necessary because i cannot afford it...i hope i am making the right choice because it's a 12 month contract (which in the big picture really isn't that long)...any more advice would be great...i have never done this before and am going in kinda blind...thanks again for the help everybody...

Feb 02, 2010
by: NickV

What Jeff said sounds pretty scary and im sure he's not bluffin. I called CR England about a year ago and they ran me through their little program they have over the phone. Sounds like to me you dont get paid for quite some time. And I mean like a month. If you dont have bills then yeah it sounds pretty good BUT that is gonna be a 1 year contract I am guessing so you better be sure you want to do this. Aint all the glitz and glamour everyone makes it out to be. Just make sure you go over the fine print REAL well. What Jeff said would scare me enough but if you really want it no one is gonna stop you. THERE ARE OTHER OPTIONS THOUGH. Alot of the big companies have a program that you can get your CDL through them but they are all contract deals so they are sketchy. All the guys on this site swear by taking it through your local college. Gonna be WAY cheaper and quite frankly you can probably get uncle sam to pay for it. Gonna take a little longer but...Well whatever you do, Good Luck and keep us updated. You got anymore questions ask away

Feb 02, 2010
Be Alert!
by: Jeff

I have friend that drives for them, and they are more interested in in getting him to lease a truck, then getting him the miles as a company driver. as a company driver, He was told that he had to wait in line for loads until all o/o's and lease drivers got thier loads first and then he would get whatever was left over. Also, I read this week that CR England has taken a big hit in court when a Judge upheld a class action lawsuite that determined the company was in violation of the truth in leasing laws, and they owed o/o's and lease purchase operators alot of money plus 18% interset. If you driver for them keep track of every mile you run and everything you do for them. do the math and keep an eye on your trip sheets. These are not rumors, these are the facts. I hope this is of some help to you.

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