I have anxiety attacks and depression

by Jaime

I am a truckers wife and it is very hard, we have a son who is autistic and i'm am alone due to my mothers bipolar disorder who drove my dad to commit suicide last year. I basically don't hear much from my husband I feel as if i'm neglected a lot.

My son gets bullied at school and his grades are falling so how do I handle all of this? I rely on the lord, I go to church and bible class to study his word and teach my son about Jesus. It is the only way I get any peace. I have anxiety really bad and attacks and depression.

I pray that my husband comes home soon to find something else that another door opens and one day I can finally have a peaceful happy life again.

I cant remember the last time that was.

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Mar 08, 2017
Do something different
by: Hervy

It sounds that you are neglected. So what you feel is not surprising. Shame on him and I hope he will have a change of heart soon.

I assume that you had a heart to heart with him. If not that should be done immediately. Ask him if he has plans that you don't know about. (Or something similar) I suppose he will ask, "What are you talking about." Your response should be what you feel. Seems like you wouldn't know if he did because he is not communicating with you and there is no relationship.

You can keep praying but I believe in taking action and I think James 1:22 and 2nd Peter 1:5-8 talks about gaining knowledge and being a doer. (Maybe not the way I interpret it but you can interpret it how it feels right for you)

Either way,

You might need to add additional steps for coping with anxiety and depression unless what you are doing is working for you.

You have to get a grasp on your anxiety and depression and then you likely can turn around other things like your child's experience at school.

Breathing techniques, Yoga, Meditation, exercise and even what you eat can help with anxiety and depression.

Also your way of viewing life can help.

This page gives some ideas. Coping With Stress

So here is what I am going to propose to you.

1. Find out why your husband is missing in action. I mean ask him direct questions about the relationship and why he is MIA. OK, let's back up....First ask him what can you do to improve the relationship. Then he will ask why you ask that question. Then proceed... Now he has invited you to inquire.

2. Also find out how to naturally fight depression and anxiety.

3. Find out how to improve relationships even if the husband shows not effort. "Yes there are books that teach this. :-)" Dr. Laura Schlesinger is one author, if you don't like her try one that is suggested when you search her name on Amazon.

4. Make sure you implement the measures that help you cope with stress and improve the relationship.

5. Research ways to naturally improve the conditions of autism.

If you are not doing these things then there are a LOT of reason to look forward to a new beginning!

I think you can greatly improve your situation Jamie even if you have no cooperation. But hopefully you will get cooperation as well. If not though, don't let that stop you from going all in.

(We want to not depend on medication no more than we have to. Most anxiety and depression medication is unnecessary. Facts. Coping skills including but not limited to mindfulness and cognitive behavioral therapy can go a long way. Exercise help more than you might be aware of as well. It literally changes your physiology.

The medications that they prescribe for the SYMPTOMS of anxiety and depression will damage your body.)

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