i have 11 years experience driving cdl class a with no accidents or tickets and i am looking for the best paying companies out there who are they?

by Ben
(otsego county ny)

tired of making pennies more than some one with a bad driving record

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Dec 12, 2011
best paying companies
by: hervy

Generally speaking, go to a truckstop and pick up the truck driving jobs magazines and find the ones that require 3 plus years experience man.

There is a reason that have those requirements in most cases. They also tend to pay their drivers much more. Pick out a 5 at a time or so and look for actual drivers at truck stops and get feedback from them.

There are companies out there that are great.
New Century is one out of Jersey. Great company with great pay.

this is a website which will tell you what a company pays and includes some feedback on that company too. All reported by employees of that company.

find out how much a company pays it's worker here

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