I hate being a Truckers wife!

by J

we're both 30,and have a 2 year old son. In July we'll be married for 3 years. He started driving in September of last year..I didn't want him to take the job but I had no say in it.

He's only home 2-3 days a month,it breaks my heart for our son not to have him around and for myself..I'm so lonely,and feel so left out of his life.

If i knew he was going to be a trucker i never would have married him...I could leave him for somebody else,but i love him...I just wish everyday he'd come home...I want my family back!

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Apr 01, 2012
my response NEW
by: Anonymous

I know how you feel my husband is gone for two weeks at a time. He leaves me and three kids behind he has had jobs where he would be home every week but he choose to do this one instead and its for the same amount of money.

Apr 01, 2012
My Response NEW
by: Jessica

There is a local trucking job available,but he doesnt want it..I'm sure a little less money,but when you consider the money he spends being on the road it would equal about the same..He needs my support,but what about me and our son?

Apr 01, 2012
hang in there NEW
by: Jennifer David

I know it seems hard now and I'm not saying it gets any better but he needs you to be strong for him. He is just out there trying to make a living for your family and right now there isn't to many jobs besides trucking.

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