I faild a pee test, went to rehab, Kept my job,,,Whats my chances of getting a truck driving job.? please keep in mind that i didnt get fired

by paul
(tampa fl.)

I guess what I'm asking is do i look for other work other than a truck driver, after failing a drug test? went to drug rehab,kept my job payed the money. will a company even ask?

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Sep 23, 2010
Chances of getting a truck driving job after failing a piss test
by: hervy

That it will take a while to find someone to give you a shot behind the wheel. Especially if this happened less than 5 years ago.

If I were I definitely would not just look for trucking jobs, I would be looking for work in other places too.

You might want to try the moving companies to see if they need helpers because at least then you will be with a company with trucks and they can be checking you out as a person.

Once they feel comfortable with you, they may let you become a driver for them.

Dock workers at some companies may give you the same opportunity but I think a moving company would be the most ideal.

Good luck man

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