HUsband got pulled in at Wisconsin scale, his log book is 14 hours behind and believes he is Over on the rear of the spread axle trailer. What is going to happen to him?

we usually run team he is alone on a rescue mission to pick up his son who is stranded in MN.

Got pulled into scale house and had to take in logbook that he had not updated in 14 hours and believes this load is heavy on the rear end.

Just a fine and OOS or worse?

Comments for HUsband got pulled in at Wisconsin scale, his log book is 14 hours behind and believes he is Over on the rear of the spread axle trailer. What is going to happen to him?

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Oct 25, 2017
Its Up to the DOT
by: Hervy

You're asking a question that cant be answered by someone else. Depends on what the DOT writes him for.

Why speculate on the axle weight. Either he is heavy or he is not. Dont even worry about that. Cant go and change it. If not over gross and only over on axle by a little they probably wont bother him with it.

But its just a wait and see situation at this point.

Likely fine and OOS yes. CSA score points. Is that all? Dont knw

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