Howdy all

by NickV
(San Antonio, TX)

Alright boys well I just got home from bein out a month with CRST. Training is done and now I gotta find a Co driver which im not thrilled about but gotta do what I gotta do.

Came in about 330 in the morning and surprised my girlfriend the next day. That night I surprised her again by proposing to her so I have been pretty busy.

As I mentioned before my "fiance" haha, works at T/A and she has been keeping her ears open about jobs. Think she may have found a local company that I am gonna work on. They stay in Texas and its about 700 a week which is about triple what im making now.

I love the driving, dont mind the OTR part of it but man this team business im really not diggin. Plus CRST is a pretty shisty company to be honest.

Start off pay is 22 cents and you dont get a raise til your 3rd month and it goes up a penny. Keeps going up one every month til you get to 6 months and then you get another one at 1 year. Not real easy to live on but luckily I have help.

If anyone has questions about CRST and how its run, just ask. Gonna get back to my home time. Yall be safe out there and I will be back soon

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Jan 26, 2010
Co Driver blues
by: NickV

Well from what I have heard they are suppose to supply me with a list of names in which I can kinda call these guys and "interview" them and hope things go well. Nice trainer of mine was more than adimit about finding a good co driver isnt easy. He always said, "the odds are against you." Gotta love the brutal honesty. So, I could get the number of someone that hasnt worked out with anyone and keeps getting kicked off of trucks, could get the number of a complete weirdo, could get the number of a really nice guy...never know. I personally think its pretty damn crazy all they have is a phone number for these people and you kinda gotta draw your own picture. Not that looks matter to me but you can tell a pig when you see one and last thing I want is to get paired up with some nasty trucker. Another weird thing is, I could be getting paired up with someone that has enough experience as I do. Yeah, two of us not knowing what the hell to do haha. I learned a whole lot while I was out this past month but I will be the first to tell you I am not ready for someone to hand me the keys and tell me to sit by the qualcom and wait. Driving I got down, no problem. Direction...not so good. Guess we will see what happens. My fiance...still havent got use to that, said she was gonna buy me one of them internet cards for my late birthday present so I should be able to keep in contact with yall more. Thanks again for all yalls help and hope that maybe one day we will meet at a truck stop and shoot the breeze.

Jan 26, 2010
Nick V. be a trucking fool.
by: Jimmy

Good to hear your moving up in the world. You say you have to find a CO-driver. Do you mean you or the company? Jimmy

Jan 26, 2010
Nick V is back with information and insight about trucking....and his relationship!:-)
by: Hervy

CONGRATULATIONS NICK! and tell the misses we said the same to her. Seems like both of you just might be lucky!

Hey Nick,

Your always faithful with the info from the road after each stage in your trucking career and we really appreciate it man.

Sounds like you may have formed some connections that will keep you moving toward your ultimate goals. You and your future wife make a great team.

Best of luck,
have to rush and get unloaded,

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