how to get unstuck with a loaded trailer from the snow

Stuck in the snow how do I get unstuck new driver

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Dec 19, 2013
Just a shot NEW
by: NickV

I have never tried it but on a commercial they say if you put kitty litter behind or in front of (depending the quicker way out) the drive tire it should give you a rough surface to pull away on. I was stuck in the mud pretty bad one time and was no where near fully loaded and just rocked it back and forth from 1st to reverse over and over. Surprised I didn't drop the transmission but my company said if I can get out then try so I did. Ripped my bumber off in the process too. But I would try the litter behind your drive tires as a cheap way of going about it. Other than that gonna have to call a wrecker and get pulled out. Good luck and I hope your atleast staying warm.

Dec 19, 2013
on getting unstuck in the snow NEW
by: Anonymous

Unless you have the right conditions and tools, you're gonna have to get towed out.

Dec 19, 2013
Trial and error or wrecker NEW
by: Hervy

I don't know where you are stuck at, if it is on level ground, how much snow, if there is ice underneath...... or anything else so.....

If you have some wood to put in front of tractor tires it might help with traction.

If you happen to have bleach to pour on tractor tires it might also help with traction according to an old timer trucker. (I have no idea about this)

I know cat litter helps with traction. If you are in a residential area and people are outside staring at you, you might ask if someone will sell you some.

If you are at the truckstop they might have some. Might have clorox also.

Try rocking it if possible. That's when you go forward as far as you can, then backward as far as you can. Timing is important. If you are new to driving a stick, this may not be much help.

Best bet is to call you dispatch and have them call a wrecker if you see that you are not likely to get unstuck easily.

Don't just sit there spinning the tire because it will overheat it and could burst.

Good luck.

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