How long does it take for a careless driving charge to come of license

by Audrey

My boyfriend is seeking a driving job. However, November 2008 he hit a city bus mirror and was charged with careless driving and four points on the license.

When does a charge like this fall off your record? He is desperately seeking a job trucking. Does it fall off after three years. He presently is holding a valid CDL in Florida.

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Nov 02, 2011
3 Years
by: Ashley

The insurance companies will look at this ticket for 3 years. As long as he has had a clear mvr since then they will not hold it againts him. I am an insurance agent and I have seen when a Driver keeps getting tickets over and over again they will look back more than three years!!!

Oct 30, 2011
by: Gary

Well it will always be on there. Even after the pionts go away. But he can hire a lawyer and ask for a motion for approiate release and maybe get it reduced to a less violation. If is record has been clean since 2008.

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