How important is work history for getting a trucking job?

by Jarrett
(Tacoma, WA)

Trucking and Work History

Trucking and Work History

I've been thinking about pursuing a career as a heavy truck driver. I have just about every reason to get into it - clean driving record, clean background, I have no kids or spouse, I'm free to travel.

My only potential obstacle is my work history.

I haven't held a job more than 6 months. I'm 28 years old and been unemployed for most of the last 10 years.

How big a problem is this?

Do most companies look closely at this? What can I do to overcome it? I appreciate your insights. Great website and youtube videos by the way.

Best regards,

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Jan 05, 2023
Work history for getting hired for a truck driving job
by: The Crazy Trucker

Thanks and great question Jarett. Sorry for the delayed answer.

Your work history of only short term employment at any single company may definitely hold you back from some of the top tier companies if they we trucking jobs.

But your work history at other jobs won't hold you back much for getting hired at trucking companies as a new driver.

Maybe a few but most trucking companies won't care. Because it's a totally different type of job. And maybe you couldn't stay at the others because you needed something entirely different.

Also because they NEED truckers bad. lol.

What will hurt in your work history is if a lot of those short term stints were firings.

Especially if those firings were related to some negative offense that could be considered as part of your character, mental health, immaturity, lack of responsibility etc.

Drug use
Being late all of the time
Not able to get along with fellow employees
Excessive speeding on company vehicle
Improper use of company vehicle

If you think about it, getting fired from ANY company trucking or otherwise with that type of background would make you a liability at a trucking company.

You easily see how taking into account the reason for your short term stints is as a result of getting fired for certain types of reasons CAN be held against you for trucking.

However, it if was a lot of quitting, they will likely hire you. Make sure to provide some context for why you quit in application or interview.

That will help them understand. Especially if you let them know you found yourself miserable at each one and why that was the case.

And you add that when you considered trucking, that it seems to fit more of your personality and goals. (If that's true. And if it's true you should be able to give specific examples of what attracts you to trucking jobs>

Check out this page for more insight about what to expect from trucking which will help you communicate more to the trucking company hiring guy what you think you'll love about trucking

If will show that you know what you are getting into and have logical reason to believe that you will love it.

What to expect at a truck driving job

Options for getting your CDL

Knowing that these things are important to trucking companies and communicating that it is part of your character will also help getting hired.

What makes a good truck driver

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